Snow & Ice Removal Procedures
The Sterling Park District strives to protect and to serve the needs of our facility patrons and park users during the winter months by providing snow and ice control at each District facility as well as snow and ice control at many of the District parks and all of the District’s hard surface bike paths and sidewalks. In addition, snow control is also provided at the District’s outdoor ice skating area at Thomas Park. These areas include over 15 acres of parking lots, nearly 2.5 miles of roadways/drives, approximately 2.5 miles of sidewalks and nearly 5 miles of trails.
Generally the road-ways/parking lots/sidewalks at Westwood and Duis Center will be returned to safe driving/walking winter conditions after a measurable snow fall and/or an accumulation of surface ice. For all other areas, snow removal will begin after an accumulation or 2″ or more of snow. Under most circumstances, the District will adhere to the following snow removal priority list:
[column size=”1/2″]Priority One
Westwood parking lots, drives and sidewalks
Duis Center parking lots and sidewalks
Frasor Center parking lot and sidewalks
Dillon Home parking lot, drives and sidewalks
Priority Two
Emerald Hill drive and parking lot
Sinnissippi Park roads and parking lots
Hoover Park parking lot
Oppold Marina roads and parking lots
Lawrence Park roads and parking lots
[column size=”1/2″ last]
Priority Three
Redfield Park parking lot
Eberley Park parking lot
Martin’s Landing sidewalk
Kilgour Park sidewalks/pathway
Priority Four
Propheter Park sidewalks
Gartner Park sidewalk
Eberley Park sidewalk
Priority Five
Thomas Park Pond ice skating area
Westwood Trail
Sinnissippi/Hoover Trail
Lynn Boulevard Trail[/column]
If you have any questions about the District’s snow removal policies please feel free to call the Director of Parks and Planning Doug Jacobs at (815) 622-6061 or e-mail him at